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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

What support will there be for my child's emotional and social well-being?


Pastoral and Social Support:


  1. The school aims to create a ‘Listening Ear’ ethos to ensure that the child’s voice is heard.
  2. Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Midday Supervisors build up strong relationships with children to support their emotional needs.
  3. The Pastoral Support Manager, Learning Mentors can provide guided support for those children whose emotional needs may create a barrier to their learning. ( See website for further information)
  4. All child protection concerns will be recorded and reported to the designated safeguarding officer.


Medical Needs:


  1. If your child has specific medical needs then please contact either your child’s class teacher or the SENDCo so appropriate plans can be put into action
  2. If needed, a ‘care plan’ can be written to inform all staff of the specifics of the condition and what should be done to support the needs of the child
  3. If your child requires ongoing medication, within school, please contact the school office to complete a medicine administration form



Support for behaviour (including attendance and exclusion):


  1. We have a clear behaviour policy which is adhered to by all staff

(please visit the appropriate section on our school website for a copy)

  1. School staff may keep a behaviour log to monitor the behaviour.
  2. Should concerns arise, discussions with the Child, their Parents/Carers, Class Teacher and Pastoral Support Manager will determine the type of support that may be offered.
  3. Your Child may be referred to our Pastoral Support Manager, who can then offer support in school either within the classroom or The Den.
  4. If specific or repeated behavioural difficulties continue we will initiate support following the Lincolnshire ladder of Behavioural Intervention.
  5. If behaviour issues continue, advice may be sought from outside agencies and a multi-agency Pastoral Support Programme (PSP) meeting will be arranged to discuss next steps
  6. If concerns arise regarding your child’s attendance at school, a school attendance panel may be held.


f behaviour issues continue, despite focused intervention, advice may be sought from outside agencies and a multi agency PSP review held.

 concerns arise regarding your child’s attendance at school, a school attendance panel may be held.
