Pastoral and Social Support:
- The school aims to create a ‘Listening Ear’ ethos to ensure that the child’s voice is heard.
- Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Midday Supervisors build up strong relationships with children to support their emotional needs.
- The Pastoral Support Manager, Learning Mentors can provide guided support for those children whose emotional needs may create a barrier to their learning. ( See website for further information)
- All child protection concerns will be recorded and reported to the designated safeguarding officer.
Medical Needs:
- If your child has specific medical needs then please contact either your child’s class teacher or the SENDCo so appropriate plans can be put into action
- If needed, a ‘care plan’ can be written to inform all staff of the specifics of the condition and what should be done to support the needs of the child
- If your child requires ongoing medication, within school, please contact the school office to complete a medicine administration form
Support for behaviour (including attendance and exclusion):
- We have a clear behaviour policy which is adhered to by all staff
(please visit the appropriate section on our school website for a copy)
- School staff may keep a behaviour log to monitor the behaviour.
- Should concerns arise, discussions with the Child, their Parents/Carers, Class Teacher and Pastoral Support Manager will determine the type of support that may be offered.
- Your Child may be referred to our Pastoral Support Manager, who can then offer support in school either within the classroom or The Den.
- If specific or repeated behavioural difficulties continue we will initiate support following the Lincolnshire ladder of Behavioural Intervention.
- If behaviour issues continue, advice may be sought from outside agencies and a multi-agency Pastoral Support Programme (PSP) meeting will be arranged to discuss next steps
- If concerns arise regarding your child’s attendance at school, a school attendance panel may be held.
f behaviour issues continue, despite focused intervention, advice may be sought from outside agencies and a multi agency PSP review held.
concerns arise regarding your child’s attendance at school, a school attendance panel may be held.