Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School
Believe. Aspire. Succeed.
Week 5 - The children were given a challenge of testing different materials to see which was the best of sound proofing a container.
We used pasta as the noise content but varied the material - we explored newspaper, paper, cotton buds, cotton wool, hessian, fabric. We tested this in different cups.
Come and find our experiment on our exploratory table in our classroom to find out for yourself which material was the best.
The children experimented with different lengths of string. They realised for the sound to travel they needed to find a quiet space and that the string had to be tight, applying the tension they experimented talking quietly (whispering) and then their normal speaking voice.
Many were amazed it worked!!
We explored what happened with comparing the short straws against the long straws as we looked at the terms 'pitch' and strong and weak 'vibrations'.
We also explored looking at Miss Yarsley's ukulele as we plucked the strings and saw how the vibrations took place. Also looked again at the words pitch as we noticed some strings had a low pitch and others high.
Elissa also brought in her recorder, we spoke about how the two instruments differ and how they come from different sections of the music family.
Do you know which instrument is from the woodwind family and which one is from the string family?
Today we went on a walk around the school grounds exploring different sounds and discussing what is happening with the vibrations. What is the source of vibration and whether it is a loud or quiet sound source?