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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Squirrels One/Two

Welcome to Squirrel class!

We are a Year 1/2 Class.

Mrs Austin is our teacher on Monday.

Miss Bennett is our teacher on Tuesday – Friday.


We have indoor PE on a Monday afternoon and outdoor PE on a Wednesday afternoon, please make sure children have suitable clothing for both.


This page will keep you up-to-date with all the exciting things we get up to in our year, so please keep visiting it regularly!


Summer Term 1

Our Learning

Term 5 Homework, Newsletter and KIRFS

Our Church School Value this term is Forgiveness.


We will be exploring this through questions such as:


How does it feel to be forgiven?

How do we feel when we forgive?

How can we ask the world for forgiveness?

What does it mean to be forgiven?

Are there people we need to say sorry to?

Are there people we need to forgive?

Why is it important to say sorry in our day to

day lives?

When should we ask for forgiveness?

Is forgiveness a feeling or a decision we make?

Why is it important to forgive?

How do we show we are really sorry?


Our Bible Story of the term is Jesus forgives Peter: Jesus Forgives Peter.

Spring Term 2

Our Learning

Term 4 homework, Newsletter and KIRFS

This term our church school value is Thankfulness.


We will be exploring this through questions such as:


What is the meaning of Lent?

What should we be thankful for?

How valuable are the words thank you?

Why should we be thankful every day?

Can our attitude make us more thankful?

Should we reflect on why we are thankful?

Who and what should we be thankful for?

What are we fortunate enough to have?

When should we be thankful?

How do we show our gratitude?

Why is it important to be thankful for new life?

What is the meaning of Easter?

How is Easter celebrated around the world?


Our bible story of the term is John 6:1-14 Jesus feeds the 5000

Jesus Feeds The Poor - Feeding the 5000 - Bible Stories For Kids - Miracles of Jesus Christ - YouTube

Our bible story of the term is John 6:1-14 Jesus feeds the 5000


Spring Term 1

Our Term 3 Learning

This term our church school value is Perseverance.


We will learn about Perseverance through questions such as:

Do small things help us reach our goal?

What is perseverance?

Why is it important to never give up?

Why do we need to work hard?

Is co-operation needed to meet a challenge?

Why is it important to persevere with a worthwhile task?

Is perseverance important in meeting our potential?

Who values our achievements?

How does perseverance help us deal with life’s problems?

Autumn Term 2


This term we will be basing our learning around our History unit on Remembrance.  We will learn about why we remember and why remembrance day is so important. We will learn about why we wear poppies to help us remember.


 In DT we will be designing and sewing our own poppy badge.


Our RE learning this term is all about the Creation story from the bible and what Christians believe about creation from this story. 


Science this term is all about animals. We will find out about mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles. We will sort and classify different animals as well as working out whether they are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. 

Our Term 2 Learning

This term our church school value is Compassion.




We will be learning about compassion through asking questions such as:

How does God show compassion to Christians?

Do we treat everyone as our neighbour like Jesus did?

What difference does kindness make to people's lives?

Can people who have nothing show compassion?

Why is it important to show compassion to our elders?


We will also be exploring our bible story of the term: The Good Samaritan

This story is an animated example of what the parable of the Good Samaritan might have looked like.

Autumn Term 1

Is Coningsby a Town?

Our Learning

Term 1 newsletter and homework grid

Term 1 KIRFS

Our Church School Value this term is...



We will explore some big questions about friendship like:


How can we help our friends?

Why is it important to make our friends feel welcome?

What does loyalty mean?

Is kindness an quality important in our friendships?

Is it important to have lots of friends?

Should we let everyone join in our games?

What are the elements of friendship?

Our Bible Story of the term is Peter and Jesus

God's Story: Peter

Peter bravely followed Jesus. Here are just a few of the things he did. You can read about Peter's time with Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. You can also find out how he lead and taught people after Jesus returned to heaven in Acts and I and II Peter.
