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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.


Welcome to 6C's class page. Mrs Case is our class teacher. Please check back to this page as it will be regularly updated.

Term 6

This term our church school value if truthfulness.

We will be exploring this value through questions such as:

What does it mean to be truthful?

Are you always truthful?

What happens when you don't tell the truth?

How do you know who to trust?

What does Jesus teach about truth?



We will also be focusing on The story of Zacchaeus the tax collector Luke 19 v1-10 as our Bible story of the term.

Zacchaeus a tax collector (Bible Story)

In science children were set this challenge: If your class could design a traffic light to manage the flow of children through the school, what would it look like? Think about a solution – and put your ideas to the test!!

Year 6 created their own animations using the website flipanim

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Term 6 Homework

We have completed an endurance narrative about Shackleton's journey. Please take a look at the amazing writing the children completed.

6C enjoyed our Jubilee celebrations and looked great dressed in red, white and blue or as kings and queens

Matthew 6:9-13 (ESV) - The Lord's Prayer


In computing we have been creating animations using the website flipanim. The children had to create a blinking eye, growing flower or light turning on and off.

In science this week we have been making our own switches out of match boxes and clothes pegs to open and close a circuit.

In maths this week we have been using multilink cubes to explore volume.

Term 5 Homework

Term 4

This term's church school value is thankfulness.

We will be exploring thankfulness through questions such as:

What does it mean to be thankful?

What does is mean to take something or someone for granted?

What are we thankful for within our school community?

What are the things we forget to be thankful for?

Why did Jesus give thanks?


We will also be exploring Psalm 100 to support with the concept of thankfulness


In science this term we are looking at electricity. We started off the topic by trying to make a lamp light up using only a cell and some foil.

Term 4 homework

We will be using this lovely illustrated book for part of our English work this term. Over the next two weeks we will be writing our own first person narratives about a close encounter with a pack of wolves.

In science this week we have been designing our own garden centres. Children had to place the plants given into different areas of the building according to their characteristics.

In science we have started our new topic of Living things and their habitats. Today we looked a classification and grouping. Children were given sweets to place into their own labelled groups as a starting activity.

We have started to use Scratch to make animated stories.

In French we have been learning our numbers to 12. Have a look at our French maths.

To complete our Geography work about deserts we had visitors from Boston college to share some animals that live in the Rainforest and desert.

Term 3

Our church school value for term 3 is compassion

We will be exploring this through asking questions such as:

What is compassion?

How can you show compassion?

How have you shown compassion?


We will also be using the bible story of Jesus feeding the 5000 to explore the church school value of compassion.


Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Over the past through weeks we have built up to writing a discovery narrative in the third person based on Charles Darwin's explorations and discoveries.

This coming week we will be looking at another brilliant book about Charles Darwin. We will be delving deep into the book and producing our own explanation texts about an animal of our choice and how they have adapted over time.

You can read the book and look at the amazing illustrations inside by opening up both pdf files below.

Our English book for this term.

We have loved playing handball this tem in PE. The improvement in the children's skills has been amazing!

In Science (biology) we have been looking at how animals adapt to their environment. We discussed Darwin's work on the finches of the Galapagos' Islands and which beak shape would be best to pick up different foods.

For part of our book we looked at some interesting artifacts that Darwin may have come across on his amazing adventures around the world. This giant snake skin really did get us talking!

In PE we have been doing gymnastics. We have come a long way in a short period of time with our handstands and headstands,

Term 2

Our church school value for term 2 is perseverence.


We will be thinking about perseverence through exploring questions such as:

1, When have you shown perseverence?

2, What has happened when you have shown perseverence?

3, Is it always easy to persevere?

4, How can you help someone to persevere?


We will also be exploring perseverence through our bible story of the term: the story of Nehemiah.

Nehemiah: Bible Story for Kids (Sharefaith Kids)

Week 4

In computing this week we looked at using Microsoft Powerpoint.

We used the following skills:

  • cut and paste pictures
  • adding a new slide
  • formatting pictures
  • inserting a text box
  • inserting arrows to label a picture
  • inserting shapes
  • adding transitions between slides.

Week 5

In science last week we planned a fair test to investigate what happens to shadows as a light source moves away from the object. This week we carried out our investigation ensuring that it was fair. We filled in our table of results and wrote about what our results showed. We discussed why this had happened.

Week 6

This week we were lucky enough to have a STEM afternoon lead by Dave from RAF Coningsby. The children learnt about how to find energy that lowers your carbon footprint. They were then tasked with designing a new RAF base that would be carbon neutral. Once they had finished the children presented their ideas to the rest of the class.

Term 2 Homework

English home learning 22.11.21

Term 1

Our Church School Value for this term is friendship.

These are the things we will be thinking about in terms of friendship:

Why are friends important to you?

What does it mean to belong to a community of friends?

What are the qualities of a good friend?

Who is a role model that shows how to be a good friend?

What should we do when we disagree?

How can we protect and mend friendships?

Our bible story for the term in the Good Samaritan.

Week 1

We have had a super start to year 6 in 6C and all the children have worked hard.

We have enjoyed starting to read our class text 'The Boy at the Back of the classroom' as well as getting new reading books from the school library.

Week 2

This week in our History learning we have been starting to find out about the Aztec's and where they settled. Have a look at some of our research.

Week 3

This week in computing we have been thinking about our digital footprint as part of our internet safety topic. We have found out what a digit footprint is as well as thinking about what footprint we are leaving. We have also thought about how we can make sure that we create a positive digital footprint.

Week 4

In science we have been finding out about the circulatory system. We pretended to be red blood cells going from the heart to be oxygenated at the lungs and then travelling through the arteries to transport the oxygen, nutrients and water to different parts of the body before travelling back up the veins to the heart to start the journey again. We then wrote class definitions for the circulatory system before working as a group to make a life sized diagram of the circulatory system.

Week 5 - In science this week we looked at a visual demonstration of how the digestive system works.

Week 6

We have enjoyed our gymnastics sessions in the hall with a coach for JB sports. The children have been learning and practising skills such as rolling, jumping and balancing on the apparatus.

We also went to our local church as part of our RE lesson.

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Download this FREE kid's ministry resource 12 FREE Bible Stories here: MORE FREE downloads at:

Term 1 newsletter

Term 1 homework

Home learning: English, science and guided reading 18.10.21

Home learning Maths week beginning 18.10.21

RE 20-10-21

History 21-10-21

Year 6 home learning 4.10.21 English, guided reading and science.

Year 6 home learning English and Science
