Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School
Believe. Aspire. Succeed.
Summer 2
We have welcomed the children back after the half term break and are very excited about our learning this term. Our learning question this term is Shall we go to the seaside? Our school value this term is Truthfulness and we will be looking at how important it is to tell the truth over the course of the term.
Week 3
This week we have been re capping lots of things we have done in maths over the year.
The children have been re calling double facts and using our pirate theme to double the pirate treasure.
In literacy we have been writing sentences and showing our amazing phonic knowledge, using tricky words and using full stops at the end of our sentences.
Week 2
In literacy we have continued reading The Storm Whale. This week we are looking at the language used in the book and talking about the meanings of the words and phrases and finding other examples of how we could use the words and phrases.
In maths we have been looking at sharing groups of objects evenly between groups. We then looked at odd and even numbers and which quantities could not be shared equally between two groups.
Week 1
In literacy we have started the beautiful book The Storm Whale. This is a wonderful story about friendship. The children have enjoyed imagining taking the whale home and thinking about ways they could make the whale feel at home.
In maths we have been looking at doubling. We have talked about having twice as many and found lots of different ways to show doubles.
Summer Term 1
This term our school value is Forgiveness.
Week 5
This week we have been reading the non fiction book Sun, Moon and Stars. We have been talking about the features of a non fiction book and finding facts to make fact files.
We have been finding out about the upcoming Jubilee and all about our Queen. The children have been making portraits of the Queen using pastels, they have done some fabulous pictures!
In maths we have been continuing to look at numbers from 11 - 20. We have been counting on from 10 rather than re counting when we know there are 10 for example when using ten frames. The children have been playing the board games they designed last week and playing them with a friend. They have been subitising when looking at the dice and counting the corresponding number of places on the board.
We made our own board game outside based around the rhyme Insy Winsy Spider and the children enjoyed rolling the dice and subitising the number and then moving up or down the drainpipe. The children loved the game so much we have been back to play it multiple times!
Week 4
This week we have been making our own musical instruments. The children all designed their own instrument, testing out the best materials to use. The children then made their instruments and covered them with plaster bandage. When they were dry the children decorated them.
In Literacy we have been reading the story Lila and the Secret of the Rain. The children have been sequencing pictures of the story and telling the story to a talking partner. They have been writing to the sun to tell it happy things to make it want to shine and thinking about the colours the illustrator used in the story to show Kenya which is a hot dry place where Lila lives.
In maths we are looking at numbers form 11 - 20 and the children made their own board games this week and used larger numbers to make the track on their boards. We have been identifying numbers 11 - 20 and then counting out the corresponding number of counters on to ten frames.
Week 3
In literacy this week we are reading the book Lila and the Secret of the Rain. The children have enjoyed being book detectives and finding lots of information from the front cover of the book. They also had some great ideas as to what the secret could be.
We have been looking at the colours that the illustrator has used in the book to show the Kenyan village where Lila lives. The children then wrote about colours they like and what the colours remind them of.
Week 2
This week we have been continuing to read The Train Ride. The children have been joining in with the repeated refrain in the story and feeling the rhythm and rhyme as we read the book.
In maths we are looking at numbers bigger than 10. The children have been counting on from 10 and using the number lines on the playground for lots of fun, practical maths activities.
Week 1
We have come back to school refreshed from our Easter break ready for a packed term.
Our school value this term is Forgiveness and we have been sharing what this means and how important it is. The children wrote about their experiences and decorated hands for a display in our cloakroom.
This week we have been reading the story The Train Ride in literacy. The children have enjoyed sharing their experiences of trains from toys trains, model railways and special train journeys.
We have been looking at our seeds that we planted before the Easter break and are excited to see lots of them have the first signs of shoots coming up through the soil. Our glove green houses are also working well and have lots of shoots starting to grow in them so we are getting ready for planting them in pots.
Spring Term 2
This term our school value is Thankfulness.
Week 4
British Science Week
We have been doing lots of different activities related to science this week in class. The children have loved watching our caterpillars this week and looking at them through magnifying glasses.
We have been making our own awesome greenhouse gloves and planting seeds in them. We have been spotting Spring flowers in the garden and recording what we have seen.
We have been reading Supertato this week and we had a surprise visit from the Evil Peas who had escaped from The Big Red Kitchen's freezer!
This week we have so many exciting things to do in EYFS! The children have been very busy completing the activities.
Week 3
This week we have been writing our own story based on the story of The Enormous Turnip. The children created story maps and then over the course of the week the children have written their stories.
In science this week we have been looking at the lifecycle of a butterfly and the children were very excited to receive a package this week containing some tiny caterpillars. We have been watching the caterpillars eating their food and moving about and have used a magnifying glass to see their tiny yellow stripes on their backs.
Week 2
We have had such an exciting week this week! We are continuing in literacy with the story The Enormous Turnip. The children are loving re telling this story! They have told the story using lots of actions and such great expression! This week the children have been creating their own story maps to tell the story. I have been amazed by the detail and how much of the story the children have remembered!
On Tuesday it was Pancake Day so of course we had to have pancakes at snack time!
The children have been learning all about Shrove Tuesday and why we make pancakes on this day.
Week 1
This week we have been listening to the story of The Enormous Turnip. We made up actions to help us remember the story. and we have loved re telling it this week.
The children have been making seed packets and writing sentences to go with the story of The Enormous Turnip.
In maths we have been remembering the facts we have learnt about 2D shapes and learning about the properties of 3D shapes. The children have been using lots of mathematical language to describe the shapes.
Our school value this term is Compassion. We are thinking about how we can show compassion for others and making sure our own actions show kindness and thoughtfulness to others.
We will explore the following in terms of compassion:
Our theme this term is Why is it cold outside? We are going to be investigating the Seasons and the changes that happen throughout the year. We will be finding out about the Arctic and what animals live in this cold place and then moving on to compare this place to Kenya which is a hot place.
Week 6
This week has been Mental Heath Week and we have been thinking about places that make us feel happy and safe and how we can think of these places when we feel anxious or a little sad. The children have drawn pictures of their happy places and we have enjoyed sharing them together as a class.
In maths we have been talking about length. We drew around our feet and then used them to find things longer and shorter than our feet.
We have been reading Yucky Worms this week and finding out all about worms. The children have amazed us this week by remembering so many worm facts! We children loved searching for worms in the garden and making our own wormery. We watched the worms tunnelling through the layers of sand and soil. We didn't keep the worms in the wormery for long as it wouldn't be fair to keep them in such a small space for too long.
Week 5
This week we have been finding out about Chinese New Year. We have been watching traditional dragon dances and learning that the Chinese people believe that the dragon chances away bad things and brings them good luck for the year ahead.
We have made our own small dragons, Chinese lanterns and have tasted Chinese food. We found eating noodles with chopsticks was very tricky!!
Week 4
We have been talking about pairs in maths this week. The children found matching socks to make a pair of socks. We found other things that come in pairs and talked about how many were in a pair.
Week 3
In PE this term we have been talking about travelling in different ways using different parts of our bodies.
This week we have been travelling across benches using different parts of our bodies.
Week 2
We started the week learning all about Christingle. The children made their own Christingle oranges and we had a beautiful Christingle service with Reverend Sue.
We have continued with our work on the changing seasons and have been studying the seasonal cycle of an apple tree. The children have been learning lots of new vocabulary such as pollen, fruit, blossom, nectar, bud, seed, seedling.
In maths we have been finding different ways to make 5 using the Numicon and then the children have been writing a number sentence to go with the Numicon. We have been learning about the signs we use in maths for adding two groups together and the equals sign to show we are finding the total.
Week 1
We have welcomed the children back after a wonderful Christmas break. We have started this term with a beautiful book called Tree, Seasons Come, Seasons Go. We have been consolidating what we already know about the seasons and learning new things as we have been looking at the tree changing through the seasons.
We have been looking at the cold weather and what happens to water outside when it is really cold. We have been looking at how and why the ice melts. We made frozen paint popsicles and used them to paint with, we watched what happened as the ice block melted and the paint colours mixed as we painted with them.
In maths we have been talking about more and less when comparing groups of objects. We have been ordering numbers to 5 and making our own numberlines.
Week 1
The children have settled into school amazing well this week. They have been exploring the classrooms and outside areas and making new friends.
We have been reading the book Super Duper You this week. The children have designed their own Super Duper You front covers.
Week 2
The children have had lots of fun this week performing nursery rhymes on stage in the courtyard. They have loved dressing up and singing rhymes together.
The children have made their own Super Duper You books all about themselves this week and then shared them with a friend.
Week 3
We have had our Cairn ceremony today with Rev. Sue. The children all laid a stone in the garden at the front of school.
In literacy we have been reading the story - The Proudest Blue. The children have been finding out about Islam and what it means to be a Muslim.
In the story Asiya chooses her first hijab which is her favourite colour blue. The children have been sharing their favourite colours. They have talking about why the colour is special to them and what the colour reminds them of.
The children have enjoyed developing their fine motor skills this week by hammering golf tees into water melons.
The children have been sorting buttons in maths. They needed to decide how to sort the buttons, some decided to sort by size and others by colour.
Week 4
We have had lots of fun painting ice cubes this week and watching what happens when the paint mixed, and the ice cubes melted.
In literacy we have been learning about the author of The Proudest Blue - Ibtihaj Muhammad. We found out that she was also an Olympic athlete who won a bronze medal in the 2016 Olympics for fencing, she was the first woman to compete in the Olympics wearing a hijab and that she has had a Barbie doll made of her.
Week 5
In literacy this week we have been looking at non-fiction books. We have been looking at the features of a non-fiction book such as contents page, index and glossary. We have started to make our own book all about our class. The children have been deciding what important information needs to go in our book.
In maths we have been ordering objects according to size and using mathematical language to compare them such as big, small, bigger, smaller.
The children have been mark making in the shaving foam. They have been writing the letter sounds we have been learning this week.
Week 6
This week we have been talking about our families. During circle time the children talked about the people in their families and then they did pen drawings of their families.
Week 7
This week we have been looking at repeating patterns. The children made repeating patterns using multilink cubes and finger painting.
We have been investigating pumpkins this week and the children have scooped out the seeds with spoons and our hands. We have been talking about the smell and what the pumpkin felt like when we scooped out the insides.
The children have been interested in construction vehicles this week so we have created a building site in our tuff spot in the courtyard.
The children have also enjoyed their Forest School session in the Mystical Garden.
Week 8
This week we have been excited to be back after our half term break. This term our value is Perseverance. We have been talking about those things that we need to keep trying to do even when they are tricky!
Here is our newsletter for this term which gives lots of information about the exciting things we will be doing this term.
In maths we have been making collections of objects and labelling them with numbers.
We have been making potions, watching the reactions as we mix different ingredients and writing our own recipes.
We have been investigating conker rolling in the courtyard using guttering. The children were problem solving joining together guttering and looking at how the gradient had an impact on how far the conkers rolled. It was great fun!
We have been finding out about Diwali this week. We have been finding out how Diwali is celebrated and made Diva lamps and some Diwali sweets.
Week 9
This week we have been reading the story Amelia Earhart. The children have enjoyed finding out about this amazing lady who followed her dream to fly planes.
We made a handprint poppy wreath for our Remembrance Day service. All the children printed their handprints in green and red paint to make the poppies.
Week 10
This week our focussed text in literacy has been the amazing story Stanley's Stick.
The children have loved reading the story and talking about all the imaginative things that Stanley turned his stick into. We then went on to use our own imagination to think of things that our sticks could be.
The children have been using their imagination to think about what their stick could be. The stick has been transformed into a bird, a dinosaur and a shark to name a few!
Week 11
This week we have been looking at the numbers 4 and 5. We have been singing lots of number rhymes, acting out the rhyme and showing the corresponding numbers using out fingers. When talking about what has been happening we have been using lots of mathematical language such as one less and one less. We have been celebrating Teddy's 5th birthday this week. The children have made cakes for him and put five candles on the top, made special party plates with the number five on them and made cards with number five on them.
We have read the story The Washing Line and used pegs to peg out the washing on a line. We have been talking about the number of pegs needed to hang out the washing and problem solving what to do if we haven't got enough pegs. The children found pegging out the washing a bit tricky as they needed to open the peg using their finger and thumb as well as holding the washing and line together to get the clothes on the line.
We have had lots of activities this week to strengthen our hand muscles and fine motor skills. All these activities help us hold our pencils and develop our mark making and letter formation. We have been popping bubble wrap by pinching the bubbles between our thumb and fingers - definitely a favourite this week!
The children have loved dough disco this week. You can't beat starting the day dancing around the classroom with some play dough!