Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School
Believe. Aspire. Succeed.
Welcome to Reception!
Welcome to RH's class page. Miss Houldershaw is our class teacher and we also have Mrs Edge and Mrs Harvey to help us with our learning. Please check back to this page as it will be regularly updated.
Term 5
Where is important to you?
This term we are exploring the places in the world that are important to the children. The children will explore different countries and make comparisons of them. We will also be learning about different forces and exploring toys from the past. We will also be using this term to look at space and how to look after the environment.
Our church school value this term is forgiveness...
We will be exploring this value through questions such as:
We will also be focusing on The Lord's Prayer Matthew 6: 9-13 as our Bible story of the term.
Term 4
Can you join us for story time?
This term we will be exploring growth and change by looking at the lifecycle of different plants and animals. In PSED we will be learning about how we can keep ourselves healthy and build strong relationships. This term we will also be learning about why Easter is an important time of the year for Christians and taking part in lots of Easter crafts!
Our church value this term is...
We will be exploring thankfulness through questions such as:
Week 1
This week we have been learning all about 3D shapes in maths. We explored the names of some 3D shapes (cone, cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere and pyramid) and looked at what 2D shapes we could spot in their faces. In literacy, we were introduced to our story 'The Enormous Turnip'. We made a story map as a class and then acted out the story in small groups.
Term 3
Why is it cold outside?
This term we are going to learn about the different seasons and what they look like. We are going to explore and compare different parts of the world including the Artic and Kenya.
Our church school value this term is...
We will explore the following in terms of compassion:
Week 1
This week we have started to explore the seasons in our English lessons. We talked about how we are currently in winter and what that looks and feels like. We know that there are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. In maths we have been comparing numbers 0 - 5 and making our own numberlines. We have started looking at our number bonds to 5 using different maths games and activities.
Term 2
Can you make crazy creations and marvellous music?
This term we are going to have great fun making our own music and using our imaginations to make different creations. We will be looking closely at our RAF links and learning about the importance of Remembrance Day. Nearer Christmas, we will be designing and creating our own Christmas decorations and preparing for our EYFS nativity!
Our church school value this term is...
As a class, these are the things we will be thinking about in terms of perseverance:
Week 1
This week we have been learning about Diwali. We had our own Diwali day where we make Rangoli patterns, Henna and make our own Diwali sweets.
Week 2
This week we have been learning about Remembrance Day. We made poppies using lots of different materials and then learnt about why we wear them. We made our own class poppy poem and year group wreathe which we placed in our school's peace garden.
Week 3
This week we have been exploring circles and triangles. We made our own circle and triangle artwork and went on a circle and triangle treasure hunt around school.
Weeks 4, 5 and 6
We had a really busy last few weeks of term on the run up to Christmas! We had great fun rehearsing for our nativity which we preformed to the whole school and our parents. We looked great in our costumes and loved to sing our nativity songs. We also enjoyed making our Christmas crafts including calendars and robin baubles.
In maths we started exploring numbers in depth, looking at how they are composed and their different representations. We also practised counting to and from 20 and learnt our days of the week song.
In English we had great fun writing Christmas cards to our families and drawing and labelling pictures after reading Mog's Christmas Calamity.
Term 1
Who are you?
This term we are exploring and celebrating what makes us unique!
Our church school value this term is...
As a class, these are the things we will be thinking about in terms of friendship:
Week 1
This week we have been using our fine motor skills. We have made dinosaurs using playdough and even created our own secret spy codes.
Week 2
This week we used our pincer grips to save the dinosaurs from the net.
Week 3
This week we have done lots of sorting in maths. We read the story 'The Button Box' and sorted our own box of buttons. Then we went on an autumn walk to collect different objects to sort as a class. We even explored magnets and decided which objects were magnetic and which weren't.
Week 4
We have had another amazing week in EYFS! This week we have loved exploring our courtyard and made our own pieces of transient art inspired by the artwork of Andy Goldsworthy.
Week 5
We had a great week exploring size and capacity in maths. We sorted loads of different objects by size and used our new vocabulary long and short. After reading 'Dear Zoo' we explored the different animals we thought could fit in different boxes. We then tested the capacities of different boxes.
Week 6
This week we have been creating our class book in our literacy lessons. We have had great fun talking about the different things we can include and making our own pages to put into it. We painted pictures of the things we enjoy doing in school!