Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School
Believe. Aspire. Succeed.
Welcome to Year 5!
Our class teachers are Mr Wowk and Miss Green.
We love learning in Year 5!
Please keep coming back to visit our page and keep up to date with all our exciting news.
Term 6 Homework Grid
Term 6 Newsletter
Our church school value for this term is truthfulness
Homework Grid Term 5
Term 5 Newsletter
Term 2 - Home Learning For Children Unable To Attend School Due to Self-Isolation
English Task - Term 2 Week 7 - 14.12.20
Write a report back to an alien's home planet explaining the traditions behind Christmas, e.g. what would an alien think about a tree being cut down and brought inside to be decorated?
Please continue to learn your spellings and times tables and keep reading, perhaps even a Christmas themed book if you have one.
We will be exploring the concept of friendship through questions such as:
What does it mean to be a friend of God?
What does it mean to belong to a community of friends?
Do you always have to agree with a friend?
How can you make up with a friend if you fall out?
Our bible story of the term is Luke 19. 1-10. Zacchaeus : The story of how a man was changed by the friendship of Jesus
Geography - Tides
Science - What is an irreversible change?
PE - Move to the beat activity
Useful Links - The Man Who Bought A Mountain eBook. - BBC Bitesize are offering some great daily lessons looking at Maths and English for every year group, as well as regular lessons in Science, History, Geography and more. - Some great sounds and podcasts about different topics and more will be released to go along side the lessons being shared on the Bitesize page. - Twinkl will be releasing a new set of activities to get involved with daily, check their Home Learning Hub to find out more.
Why Not Sing Some Songs About Forgiveness?
Week 3 - Year 5 Home Learning for Week Beginning Monday 20th April 2020
To help your child with reading, the following website has some free e-books that are at different reading levels. You will need to join the website which is free.
Once on this page click on LEVELS then BOOK BAND. Then choose the colour your child is on. There is then a choice of books to read.
Useful Websites
BBC Teach
I See Maths - Lessons and challenges
Rising Stars
White Rose are providing a 'Maths Problem of the Day'
The Maths Factor created by Carol Vorderman - currently free
Nrich have some great open-ended maths activities
Pobble365 provides a new image each day accompanied by questions and related activities
Over the weeks you are away from school to help you stay active try following The Body Coach TV on Youtube for daily workouts.
The websites below are also offering free subscriptions and have a range of learning resources available.
Week 1
Please continue to complete tasks from your homework grid this week as well as using Times Tables Rockstars daily and continuing to read and discuss a variety of books. New tasks will be put on this page ready for the beginning of week 2.
Our council members are...
School Council - Ollie Wall, Ben Monaghan
Aidan Eadsforth, Michaela Ashman
Collective Worship - Thomas Maltby and
Angelina Butterley
International Team - Sophie Berry and Mason Allsop
Eco-Team - McKenzie Rae and Herbie Hand
and our Librarian - Paige Atkin and Emily Bradbury