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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Term 4 Learning

Week 6

In Year 1 maths we discussed the difference between capacity and volume. We had to label containers which were full, empty , almost full and almost empty.

In Year 1 Maths children selected an object card. Then compared two objects identifying which is lighter / heavier.

In Year 1 Maths we measured the mass of objects using cubes. We estimated first and then carefully counted the cubes on to the balance. We carefully looked to see if the scales were balanced.

In Year 1 maths we were learning about mass. We discussed the vocabulary heavy, heavier, light and lighter. We explored using the balances.

Week 5

In year 1 maths, we have been comparing height and length.

This week in computing we selected objects by attribute and made comparisons.

In Year 2 in maths started our learning about fractions. We looked equal and unequal groups.

Week 4

As it is British Science week we decided a challenge was in order. We had to create a bridge using marshmallows and spaghetti that would be strong enough to hold weights.

In year 1 maths we were estimating and measuring using cubes. We had a list of objects that we had to measure to see how many cubes long they are. We worked with a partner to find out.

Week 3

In computing this week we create pictograms. We had to tally up how many minibeasts we found then we showed this using pictogram.

In year 1 we played one more and one less bored game.

In year 1 maths we were finding one more and one less. We picked a number card and then built that number with tens and ones. We added one more and then took one away to find one less.

In year 1 maths children had to estimate numbers on a number line to 50.

In year 1 maths children looked at number lines to 50. First children had to identify numbers on a number line and progressed to labelling number lines.

Week 2

In computing this term week are looking at data handling, this week we looked how objects can be represented as pictures. The children had to create pictograms on computers to show how teachers travelled to school.

In In year 1 maths today, we have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones to understand how they are made up.

Year 1 in maths today, we have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones using part whole models to understand how they are made up.

Year 2 over the next couple of weeks we will be learning about measurement. We have started by measuring items from around the classroom in centimeters (cm) and continued outside by measuring objects in meters (m).

In Year 1 maths we looked at grouping objects into tens to make it easier to count. We then built numbers by grouping in tens using numicon, tens frames, tens and ones and counting sticks.

Week 1

Year 1 in maths looked at making making multiples of ten with different manipulatives.

Year 2 this week we have completed our learning of multiplication and division by looking at commutativity. Children worked in pairs to investigate whether multiplication is commutative or not. They had to pick calculations and see if they got the same answer if the calculation was switched around.

In Year 1 maths we have been solving missing number problems. We worked with a partner using number lines, tens frames and part whole models to solve the problems.

Year 1 in maths we looked at fact families and finding the related facts, so if 4 + 1 = 5 then 1 + 4 = 5 and 5 - 4 =1 and 5 - 1 = 4. We built our number facts on tens frames and then recorded them on whiteboards.
