Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School
Believe. Aspire. Succeed.
Children began their learning of plants this term by thinking about what conditions plants need to grow in. They were all given a pot, some compost and a tomato seed they have planted the seed and are keeping them in the warmth ready to put in our year 2 planter in the Mystical Garden. The children will observe them over the next few weeks to see what happens.
Children continued their learning of plants this term by looking at different seeds and bulbs. They learnt how they are different and then drew a selection of seeds and bulbs. We then went outside to do some more planting. Children were given a pot, some compost and a seed and they are carrying out their own investigation by deciding were to put their pot. Some are growing their seeds in the dark cupboard giving it water, some have put them in the cupboard without water, there are some on the window ledge and some have been kept out side. The children will observe them over the next few weeks to see what happens.