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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.


What are the properties of 3D shapes?

To help us learn the properties of 3D shapes we have been making them. We could see the different 2D shapes that make the 3D shapes so we could learn to count the faces then we looked at how many edges they had and then how many vertices they had.

For the next three weeks children will be learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. They started their learning by exploring different shapes, drawing them and naming them.

Can I add and subtract 2 digits and 2 digits?

Children consolidated their learning of adding and subtracting 2 digits and 2 digits by using dice to formulate calculations to solve.

Can I subtract 1 digit from 2 digits crossing 10?

Children have been learning how to subtract 1 digit from 2 digits crossing 10 using dienes to help with their understanding of exchanging.
