Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School
Believe. Aspire. Succeed.
This term in English we will be basing our work on the text 'The secret of black rock' by Joe Todd-Stanton.
We will be learning lots of new vocabulary, writing character and setting descriptions We will then write a narrative of the story, changing the characters, the setting and using all our learnt vocabulary to rewrite the story using a beginning, middle and ending to make it our own.
In Maths we will be consolidating our learning on fractions and then we will be working on time. We will be learning to tell the time to the nearest five minutes on an analogue clock. We will then look at how many minutes are in an hour and hours in a day and use this knowledge to work out the duration of events.
Science this term is all about animals including humans.
We will be looking at how we have grown and changed since we were babies. We will be asking if children can bring in photos of themselves as babies so that we can do a baby competition and see how we have changed. We will also be looking at diet and fitness and why it is important to eat the right types of food and take part in sport and exercise. We will carry out an investigation to show what happens to our bodies when we exercise.
In History we are finding out about explorers!
We will look at significant people from the past, what they did and why they are significant. We will then research who James Cook and Joseph Banks were and how they have helped to shape our lives. We will be writing facts about James Cook and researching the different plants that local botanist Joseph Banks found when he joined James Cook on his exploration of the South Pacific islands.
Our RE work this term is based on Easter and why it is so important to Christians. We will explore the word Salvation and why Christians believe Jesus is the saviour of the world. We will explore what Jesus teaches Christians about forgiveness and the idea of heaven.
We will explore big questions about Forgiveness like:
Should everyone forgive?
Is it important to forgive?
Does it improve friendships when we forgive?
Is forgiving people always easy?