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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Mice Reception

Summer Term 2

This half term we will be exploring our whole school value of Truthfulness and the Bible story ‘Jacob and Esau’.

Here is a link to the Bible story -


In EYFS we will be exploring the question – ‘Shall we go to the seaside?’ In history, we will describe how we have changed throughout our first year at school and explore pirates of the past and their ships. In Art, we will learn about and experiment with printing, and weaving.

Our literacy texts this term are ‘Billy’s Bucket’, ‘Rainbow Fish’ and ‘Tiddler’.

In R.E, we will be celebrating ‘Our Beautiful World’ by looking at places that are special to us at school; at home and in the wider world. Science links in with our R.E. theme as we will be learning about living things ant their habitats.

Our Key Instant Recall Facts for this term are – to know which pairs make a given number to at least ten, and to automatically recall number bonds for numbers to at least five.

We will be listening to music by various composers in worship time this term.

Children will continue to have P.E. and Forest School on Mondays next term. Please send children wearing their P.E. kit and bringing with them wellies and their school uniform and shoes to change into. Children will also have a JB Sports P.E. session on Thursdays. P.E. kits can be worn to school on Monday and brought home on Thursdays.

Here is our newsletter for this term.

Summer Term 1

This half term we will be exploring our whole school value of Forgiveness and the Bible story Jesus Forgives Peter.

You can watch the Bible story here:   Jesus Forgives Peter (


In EYFS we will be using the texts The Creation Story, Six Dinner Sid and What the Ladybird Heard.   We will reading The Creation Story alongside finding out more about this through our Religious Education sessions.  


In science we will be exploring forces and finding out how things move with pushes and pulls.  In Geography we will be using and making our own maps, we will be looking at the features of maps and making a 3D version of our local area in art.  


Our composer this term is Rachel Portman who became the first female composer to win an Academy Award, which she received for the score of the film Emma. 



Our Maths Key Instant Recall Facts this half term.

Our Summer newsletter

Spring Term 2


This half term we will be exploring our overarching theme of Growing and Changing. We will explore lifecycles, the botanists Joseph Banks and David Attenborough and plant growth. We have a wealth of amazing fiction and non-fiction texts to help us on our learning journey and will be kicking off with The Enormous Turnip traditional tale. 


Our composer of the term is Hans Zimmer. You can listen to his music here: Hans Zimmer - Interstellar (Royal Albert Hall Organ) - YouTube


Our Bible Story of the term is John 6: 1-14. Jesus feeds the 5000. You can watch a version of the story here: Jesus Feeds the 5,000 - YouTube


Our Church School Value is Thankfulness. 

We will be exploring what makes us thankful and ways we can show thankfulness. 

Spring Term 1

Welcome to January 2024 - we hope you have all had a lovely break and we are excited to hear all the children's news.

This term we will be focussing on our school value of 'Perseverance'. We will explore this topic in our Collective Worship sessions.

Our composer of the term is Chopin and we will be listening to his compositions as we enter and exit the hall for Collective Worship.

The Bible story of the term is 'The Parable of the Lost Sheep'.


Here is a link to the story - 

Here is the newsletter for this term.

Autumn Term 2

We are pleased to welcome back the class after the half term break!  

Our church school value this term is Compassion and we will be talking in class and in collective worship about how we can show compassion to others. 

Our Bible story this term is Jesus heals a man with Leprosy, Luke 5.  You can watch a video of the story on the link below. 

Living Your Best Life (Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy) - BBC Teach

Here is our newsletter for this term which gives you more information about the exciting things we will be doing this term.

Autumn Term 1


We are so excited to welcome you at the very start of you school journey. 

Each term we focus on a Church School Value, story and composer to help us embed our school ethos. 

This half term we are exploring 'Friendship'. We will be asking what it looks like to be a good friend, how to make friends and how we maintain those friendships.

We will explore the Bible story about Peter and Jesus. You can watch it here: Peter Walks on Water - YouTube

We will be listening to the music of Beethoven. You can listen to it here: The Best of Beethoven - YouTube


Please take a look at our half termly newsletter below and our weekly class pages.

Our Key Instant Recall Facts this half term are:


To instantly recall number names in order to, at least, 5. 

To touch count to, at least, 3.
