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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Kestrels Six

Welcome to Kestrels class page. Mrs Case is our class teacher and Mrs Gates, Mrs Ward, Mrs Bland and Miss Large also help us. Please come back to this page as it will be regularly updated.

Term 6

Our church school value of the term is truthfulness


We will explore the value of truthfulness through asking questions such as:

Why is honesty so important?

Will you always be believed if you haven't been honest before?

How does not telling the truth affect you and other people?

Should you let other people influence you when telling the truth?

Why do we make up excuses?


We will also be looking at the bible story of Jacob and Esau.


Jacob and Esau - Stories of the Bible

Term 6 KIRFS

Term 5

This term our church school value is forgiveness.

We will explore the value of forgiveness through questions such as:

How does it feel to be forgiven?

How do we feel when we forgive?

Why is it important to say we are sorry in our daily lives?

When should we ask for forgiveness?

Is forgiveness a feeling or decision we make?

How do we show we are really sorry?


Our bible story of the term is Jesus forgives Peter.

We had lots of fun at Church School Festival.

Thank you to the STEM team from RAF Coningsby who set the children the challenge of designing a new aircraft. The children worked in groups to design and build a model before presenting this to the Dragon's Den.

KIRFS Term 5

Jesus Forgives Peter

Peter denied Jesus 3 times, but he was forgiven because Jesus is merciful. This Bible story is based on text from Matthew 26:31-35, John 18:15-27, and John 21:15-17. This Bible story was made as part of The Miracle of Mercy series. Visit for full curriculum.

In maths, we completed the Nrich next size up challenge and built a string of 10 graded cubes.

In maths, we explored volume by building different shapes with the same number of cubes.

In maths, we have been exploring the nets of 3D shapes. We tired to find all 11 different nets for a cube.

In science, we started our new unit lving things and their habitats by comparing and grouping leaves. We then used a branching database to classify.

In maths, we have been finding out about the nets of 3d shapes. Some of us made 3d shapes using straws and blu tac and some of us had to match the nets that had been cut in 2 and name and describe the shape.

We have made a rainfall guage and we are using this to collect data that we will compare to the Sahara Desert.

Term 4

Our church school value this term is thankfulness

We will be exploring this through questions such as:

What should we be thankful for?

How valuable are the words thank you?

Why should we be thankful every day?

Can our attitude make us more  thankful?

Should we reflect in why we are thankful?

How do we show our gratitude?


We will also be sharing the bible story: John 6: 1-14 Jesus feeds the 5000.

Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Term 4 KIRFS

Look at some of our phone cases that we made in DT.

In RE we composed a piece of music to represent the Christian Creation story.

Term 3

Our church school value this term is perseverance

We will be learning about perseverance through asking questions such as:

Do small things help us achieve our goal?

Why is it important to never give up?

Why do we need to work hard?

Do we need a positive approach for difficult tasks?


We also be exploring our bible story of the term:

The parable of the lost sheep.


The Lost Sheep

This story is based on Luke 15:1-7 and Matthew 18:12-14.

Term 3 homework

Term 3 KIRFS

Term 2

This term our church school value is compassion.

We will be learning about compassion through asking questions such as:

How does God show compassion to Christians?

Do we treat everyone as our neighbour like Jesus did?

What difference does kindness make to people's lives?

Can people who have nothing show compassion?

Why is it important to show compassion to our elders?


We will also be exploring our bible story of the term: The Good Samaritan



The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

In maths we explored negative numbers and finding intervals using the Nrich game first connect.

In Science we have been exploring how light travels.

Using our English text 'A story like the wind' we expored how it would feel to be in a small boat in the middle of the ocean.

We had an amazing time visiting Padre Chrissy at RAF Coningsby

Term 2 KIRFS

Term 1

Our church school Value for term 1 is Friendship. 

We will be exploring this through questions such as:

Is it important to make new friends?

How can we help our friends?

What does loyalty mean?

What are the elements of friendship?

What can we offer for others in our friendships?


Our bible of the story is Peter and Jesus. Please watch the video below.


Peter bravely followed Jesus. Here are just a few of the things he did. You can read about Peter's time with Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. You can also find out how he lead and taught people after Jesus returned to heaven in Acts and I and II Peter.

Term 1 KIRFS ( key instant recall facts)

In maths we explored prime numbers.

In science we are learning about the circulatory system. We played a game to act out how it works.
