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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Week 6

In Maths we looked at taking away 1s from a number like 4-3 = 1 then we said if we know that then we know 14-3=11. We used our tens and ones to build the numbers and did each step to show how we worked it out.

In computing we had to insert the algorithm to get the beebot from one point on our map to another. We all needed to remember to clear the beebot's memory otherwise it went a bit crazy!

In maths we used first, then and now to solve subtraction problems. First I had 17 then 4 were taken and now I have 13. We worked with a partner to show these calculations with counters and on our whiteboards.

Our maths learning today was about subtracting crossing ten. We did this using tens frames, counters and number lines. First we made the largest number on the tens frame then we subtracted the smallest number by taking the counters away. Finally we checked we'd solved the calculation correctly by using our number lines to subtract.

In Maths we were finding the difference between two numbers we used cubes and numicon to help us work it out.

In Science we looked at food chains. We worked some of the food chains altogether on the carpet and then we worked in groups to complete the food chains.
