Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School
Believe. Aspire. Succeed.
Week 7
We went to the Mystical garden with Hedgehog class and Owl class. We set fire to our houses we'd made in DT. We saw how fast the fire spread and how high the flames leaped.
We have really enjoyed taking part in yoga this term during our indoor PE lessons. We have been learning lots of new yoga poses and putting them together to create stories.
In Maths this week, Y1 have been looking at addition fact families and our number bonds to see how many ways we can make the whole.
Today in Maths, Y2 have been using their number bonds to 10 to help them work out how many more we need to get to the next multiple of 10.
In Maths this week, Year 1 have been exploring how to use part-whole models. We are going to use these to help to start to think about addition later in the week.
In Year 2, we have been exploring related number facts. Later in the week, we are going to use our number bonds to 10 to help us find our number bonds to 100.
In Maths today, Year 2 have been using the inequality symbols to compare numbers to 100. We used practical resources to show the numbers.
In Maths today, Year 1 have been comparing numbers to 10 using the language more than, less than and equal to.
Today in Maths, Year 1 started using comparison symbols to compare number to 10 and they did a super job!
In History, we ordered the events of the Great Fire of London.
This week in Science, we were given the equipment and we had to ask our own questions to see if they were scientific questions. We put our questions through the question machine to see if we could investigate it.
We had a bowl, water, playdoh, marble, lollipop stick, plate, fork. First we had to say what the object was and what material it was made of then we predicted whether it would float or sink before we carried out the investigation.
In Maths this week, Year 1 have been finding one more and one less than numbers to 10. We practiced counting backwards from 10 to help us find one less.
In Maths this week, Year 2 have been placing 10s and 1s on a number line.
In Maths this week, the Year 1 children have been focussing on numbers to 10. We have been counting objects from larger groups and exploring how we can represent numbers in lots of different ways.
In Maths this week, Year 2 have been thinking about the different ways that we can partition 2-digit numbers and exploring how we can use place value charts to represent our numbers to 100.
In History this term, we are learning about The Great Fire of London. We started by investigating the significance of all the different items. A diary, ink and a quill, flour and bread, ash, wood and straw.