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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.


In maths this week we have been using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us with our number bonds to 100.

In Maths this week we have been exploring related number facts. Later in the week, we are going to use our number bonds to 10 to help us find our number bonds to 100. 

In term 1 we are learning about place value, we started by building numbers using equipment and then went on to represent numbers in different ways. We used place value charts, place value counters, dienes, words, numerals, part whole models, bar models and number sentences!

We have continued our learning of place value by comparing objects and then numbers. We have been using comparative language such as greater than, less than, more than to compare numbers. We then looked at the place value of the numbers to explain why we had used our comparative language.
