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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Mice (RC)

Term 6 newsletter

Summer Term 2


This term our Church School Value is Truthfulness.  

We will explore some big questions about truthfulness like:


Have you ever stood up for the truth?

Should we take the blame for someone else?

Why shouldn't we spread stories about others?

Why should we tell the truth?

Is truth important within our families?

Our bible story of the term is...


Jacob and Esau Genesis 25: 27-34 and Genesis 27 and 28.




30 Days Wild

The children are enjoying taking part in 30 Days Wild during June.  We have loved being outside doing our challenges.  We have been hugging trees, playing games outside, searching for different plants around school and searching for flowers around school.  

Summer Term 1

Happy Easter.


We hope you have enjoyed a restful break. 

Please find below our weekly updates and newsletter. 


This half term our Church School Value is Forgiveness. We will be exploring the parable of the unforgiving servant – Matthew 18. 23-25.

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant - YouTube 


Our composer of the term is Andrew Lloyd-Weber. You can hear some of his music via this link: 

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Symphonic Suites (Full Performance) feat. The Phantom Of The Opera - YouTube 



Spring Term 2

Welcome back after, what we hope was, a fun half term. Please read our newsletter for important dates and for our starting points this half term. 

This Term our Church School Value is Thankfulness. We will be exploring the Bible story from Luke 17 v11-19. In the story Jesus cleanses ten lepers and makes them well. We will also be exploring the Easter story and how thankful we are for Jesus. 


You can watch a version of the story here: The Thankful Leper (Luke 17: 11-19) - YouTube


Spring Term 1

Happy Christmas! We are ready and raring to go for 2023 with the lovely Mice class. Please find below our newsletter and diary dates.

Every Friday beginning from the 13th January, parents are invited to come and read with their child from 2:50-3:10pm in school.
There will be a Stay and Play on the 10th February 2:30-3:10pm if you would like to come and share some learning time with your child.

Our Church School Value this half term is Perseverance. We will be exploring the perseverance Noah showed when building the Ark and following God's directions.

We are pleased to welcome back the class after the half term break!  

Our church school value this term is Compassion and we will be talking in class and in collective worship about how we can show compassion to others.  

Our Bible story this terms is Jesus Heals a Leper, Luke 5.  You can watch a video of the story on the link below. 

Here is our newsletter for this term which gives you an idea of the things we will be looking at throughout the term. 

Week 1

This week we start an exciting new book in EYFS, the book is all about a boy who finds a very special star.  He takes the star everywhere with him but when the star becomes sad an starts to miss his home the boy has to work out how to help him get home. 

This week we have been on our own special treasure hunt around EYFS, we found our own special treasure and then had to talk about why it was so special. 


In maths this week we have started looking at numbers to 3.  We have been making our own collections of objects and finding the corresponding numbers to go with them.  We have been playing lots of different matching games, matching groups of objects to numerals. 

We have been revisiting topics from last term and the children have enjoyed exploring weighing lots of different Autumn objects and using language such as heavier, lighter and the same as when comparing objects.

We have had an exciting start to the term by transforming a classroom into a space themed sensory experience!  The children loved exploring the room using their senses.  We had star lights, alien slime, moon rocks, spaceship role play and small world moon landing imaginative play. 

Week 2

This week we have been practising generating sentences in Literacy. We had a go at thinking of exciting words about our little star in a jar. Later in the week we had a go at writing sentences, words and sounds from our generate sentences. 


In Maths we focused on matching and comparing. We explored different representations of numbers and made sure we had a deeper understanding of our vocabulary - match, same, compare, quantity. We have played lots of games of snap and dominoes in our provision to embed these skills. 


We have been exploring Remembrance this week. We learnt about why we use poppies as a symbol to remember and laid our wreath in the memorial garden. We explored Amelia Earhart's story in relation to the history of the RAF and flying and compared them to our visit from Ivy's Dad who flies a Red Arrow. 

Week 3


This week our star Stella disappeared! Her mum came to answer some questions as to where she may be hiding. We made Lost posters and are on the look out for clues. 


In maths we have been exploring all things shape and have learnt new vocabulary: sides and vertices.


On Friday we celebrated Children in Need Day and raised money to send to the charity.


Week 6:

This week has been focused on our Nativity performances. The children have rehearsed the songs, practised in position in the church and worked out how to do quick changes with tricky costumes! 


In Literacy we enjoyed reading and playing games from the Jolly Christmas Postman. We wrote our own letters to Father Christmas. 

In Maths we have been exploring finding one more using equipment to help us. 

We have explored Christmas traditions around the world and in different periods of history to give us lots of context for our own celebrations. We have remembered how important it is to celebrate differences and to learn from each other. 

Who are you?

This term we are exploring and celebrating what makes us unique!

Our church school value this term is...

As a class, these are the things we will be thinking about in terms of friendship:

  • Why are friends important?
  • What does it mean to belong to a community of friends?
  • How can you be a good friend?
  • What should we do when we disagree?

Here is our EYFS newsletter for the start of the Autumn Term, it has lots of information about the exciting things we will be doing this term. 

Week 1


The children have enjoyed their first week at school exploring the classrooms and courtyard.  We have been getting to know the children and enjoyed listening to them talk about their family and friends.  

The children have been drawing themselves and their families.  

Week 2


This week we have continued to explore the theme for this term which is Friendship.  We have devised our own class charter and as a class have talked about our class rules and how we take care of our friends.  


Week 3


In maths this week we have been sorting different objects into sets.  We read the story The Button Box and have then been working out different ways that a group of buttons can be sorted.  

In literacy we have been continuing to read The Something and discuss what has happened to the ball in the story and what may be hiding in the hole that appeared in the story.  The children have had some amazing ideas and talked about why they have come up with their answers.  


Cairn Ceremony

The children have placed a stone on the cairn at school during the Cairn Ceremony this week.  The ceremony was an opportunity to  welcome the children to the Coningsby St Michaels family.  

Week 4


This week in literacy we have been writing letters to a boy in our story who has lost his ball.  We have been giving him our ideas about what might be down the hole in the garden. 



In maths we have been looking at more and less and using the mathematical language related to our observations of different groups of objects.  We have also been sorting our things we found on our Autumn walk and talking about how we have sorted them.   

We had a very special collective worship on Thursday when we went over to St. Michael's Church for a special service for St. Michael's Day.  The children in EYFS then stayed at the church after the worship and had the chance to look around and draw their favourite part of the church.  
