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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.


CASY (Counselling and Support for Young People) is a registered charity and provides confidential counselling and support to young people. The service offers young people an opportunity to speak to a trained counsellor in confidence about any issue of importance to them. CASY counsellors are carefully selected for their experience and their ability to understand the pressures and conflicts young people face today. All counsellors are checked through the Criminal Records Bureau to assess their suitability to work with young people.


Our CASY counsellor is Mrs Judy Mitchell


The ethos of counselling is to help children learn how to help themselves in a safe, supportive environment. The main aims of counselling are:

1. To support the child to make changes in their life

2. To learn to understand and cope with difficult emotions

3. To identify specific problems

4. To identify goals the child would like to work on


The school pays for this service and our counsellor visits us once per week. The CASY service is open to all our pupils (aged 6+). If you feel that your child would benefit from this additional support, please speak to your child's class teacher or to Mrs Smith, Learning Mentor, who can explain how referrals are made to our CASY counsellor and discuss the appropriateness for your child. Referrals to CASY can also be initiated by the child or school staff and parental consent is always sought before a referral is made.


Counselling usually lasts between 6/8 sessions. However, sometimes it may be fewer and sometimes it is longer term. It is reviewed regularly between the counsellor and the young person. The sessions are led by the child. The counsellor is trained to reflect their thoughts and feelings and support them in making change. For Primary school aged children this may involve play as well as talking if the child engages this way.


Confidentiality - A counsellor does not discuss anything that happens within the counselling sessions unless the child is deemed to be at significant risk of hurting themselves or another, the child is at risk of significant harm from another, the child would like the counsellor to speak to someone on their behalf or the counsellor is discussing her caseload in supervision.


For further information on CASY, please visit their website:
