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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.


Welcome to our Forest School page. 

This school year we will be working on our Sycamore Tree Wild passport levels. 

Follow this page to see and hear all about our progress. 

Mole class had a very busy Forest School session this morning, some of the children made dens using our Wild Passport guide sheets to help them, these shelters were fantastic and the children worked so beautifully together to create them, showing their amazing teamwork skills. They also used our Wild Passport guides to help them tie a timber hitch knot to put up some hammocks, the reward for completing the knot was a lovely lounge in the hammock! We also had the knot kits out for mole class to practise tying different knots and exploring how to tie different types of rope. Moles also enjoyed decorating some pots to become little fairy houses before then adding a tipi weaving for a roof. As always we had lots of fantastic tiny dens, bugs houses and marvellous mud kitchen creations. We then finished our session by learning how to create a storm shelter using our parachute tarp, this involved everyone holding onto the parachute and then all slowly lifting it above our heads before walking under it and then tucking the parachute underneath our feet as we knelt on the grass - this was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and it was really interesting to learn how we could create an emergency shelter with a basic piece of kit.

Our Forest School theme today was sharing and taking turns, we gave Mole class the opportunity to play different games such as noughts and crosses, jenga and shut the box which all required turn taking and Moles had a wonderful morning playing these together. As well as the games, we also had a nature themed puzzle in our quiet area which the children enjoyed working on together. Moles also used the den kits to build themselves a den, again with lots of working together and sharing which was wonderful to observe. They also enjoyed exploring the ‘investigation station’ where they could learn about different birds and insects, using our ID books to identify the creatures they found. 

Mole class had a wonderful Forest School session today, some of the children had a go at happazome, the Japanese art of leaf printing, to create some lovely Spring leaf pictures. They were very excited to see the new addition to our woodland site, a mud kitchen area! They quickly made themselves busy here, using our mud kitchen recipe idea cards to mix up so marvellous mud cookies, stews and smoothies. Moles also created some detailed insect homes, including the very first CSM bug elevator! 

In Forest School today Mole class enjoyed seeing the seasonal changes in our woodland site. They created some wonderful homes for the insects they could see and learnt about the different species using our lovely Usbourne nature books. Some of the children enjoyed playing with the nature snap cards and others created some beautiful bees using pine cones, wool and leaves.

In Forest School today mole class were set some Christmas themed challenges, they were given a scavenger hunt full of natural items such as something white like mistletoe berries. Once they completed this they were then challenged to collect sticks and natural items like pine cones to create their own natural Christmas trees. The children all loved these challenges and had lots of fun collecting their items and creating their beautiful Christmas trees.

29th November 2023
This morning was very cold and icy so to keep warm mole class played lots of teams games on the field to keep moving, we played stuck in the ice and four corners using our new tree identification knowledge.

Today in Forest School mole class played lots of team games to keep warm, they especially enjoyed ‘stuck in the ice’. Moles were then able to create some happazome leaf art, collecting different coloured leaves and using a hammer to transfer the dye from the leaves onto a piece of paper, this created some beautiful pictures and the children made interesting observations about which coloured leaves made the best prints. Moles also enjoyed using the archery set and creating nature soups and teas with conkers and pine cones.

15th November 2023

Today in Forest School mole class explored our new insect hotel, created pine cone sculptures and nature soup as well as playing team games.

Today Mole class played lots of games to keep warm on this wet and windy day, we started with a Forest School version of four corners, using trees as our bases. We then moved onto playing a game searching for lots of different natural objects, the children were challenged to find different coloured leaves, pine cones, sycamore seeds and small sticks and to identify the different trees on our school field. Mole class were amazing at identifying and finding all of these objects. Moles then had the opportunity to make their own woodland creations with our potion pots, we had lots of marvellous soups and teas to try. 

Today Mole class were the first to use our new temporary Forest School site and what a lovely morning we all had! We explored our new site and played a class game, learning about the types of trees around us. Moles also had fun collecting pine cones and different coloured autumn leaves as well as discovering which insects live in this new area.

Our past Forest School sessions. 

6th July 2023

Week 5 

Mole classes final week of forest school for this term was all about them and what makes them unique. The children had the opportunity to create their own experiences within mystical garden. They used their forest school skills and team work to build their own swing. This was created completely independently with the children carrying out a risk assessment and deciding where best to place it for both their safety and the safety of those around them. It was an incredible bit of forest school engineering. The children also had the opportunity to create a wooden mole to take home, they used many skills and all those that chose to make one showed safe tool work skills. Well done Mole class 

Week 4 


Mole class have been waiting excitedly and patiently for their cooking week and it didn't disappoint. We started off with a game of 'Hunter Hunter' on the school playground lots of laughter, support and kindness was shown during this time. After this we headed down to the Mystical Garden to cook our toast. The children's manners where impeccable, they were polite, patient and by all the yummy noises they made I  think its safe to say they all enjoyed it. 

Week 3 


This week during Mole classes forest school it was all about working together. Everything they had out would require them to work together in small teams. Working with the Forest school leaders the children used their  Knot skills and learnt to put up a lean to den using den building poles, tarps, tent pegs and rope. The children had a go at  woodland skiing, hunted for insects and identified them in books and practised their archery skills.
