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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.


This term in ICT children will be learning about programming. They started their learning by looking at what algorithms are, what they do and how to use them. They did this practically in PE by working in partners to give each other sets of instructions to navigate around obstructions in the hall. 

Week 3 - Can I give my Bee Bot instructions?

As part of our ICT lessons this term we are looking at algorithms. Today children used Bee Bot's to practice giving instructions. They designed Bee Bot worlds with cinema's, houses, aquariums and shops, then the gave their Bee Bot's instructions on how to get around their worlds.

Week 4 - Can I move my Bee Bot in different directions?

This week in ICT children have continued to use Bee Bots to improve their algorithms. They designed a Bee Bot work and gave instructions to get around. Children had to hold the algorithm in their heads before programming the Bee Bots. Some children were able to get to one place in their Bee Bot world and then back home again.
