Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School
Believe. Aspire. Succeed.
Keeping children safe online
Dear Families,
After a number of serious incidents in school linked to the use of social media together with the increase in the number of children who own or have access to a smart phone (as confirmed by the Education Minister, Gillian Keegan).
We have recently signed up to the National Safety Online website which has a number of guides called #wakeupewednesday.
These posters give hints and tips about how you can talk to your child/ren about being safe online. We all have a duty to ensure our children are save from online abuse and misuse so we hope you find these guides helpful. They will be sent to you each Wednesday via Parent mail and will also be available on our school’s website under the parent’s page.
Information from National Online Safety
Criminals continue to find new and devious ways to attempt to hijack our online transactions and harvest our private information. To them, the smart devices that many of us now use as standard at home are simply a convenient back door into our lives – and our networks. Check out our #WakeUpWednesday guide for advice on beefing up your household’s cyber resilience. In the guide you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as how to use a password manager, how to back up your data and how to check for breaches.
Click the link to access the E Safety guides for parents. Examples of what is available are shown below. We will keep adding to this each week and sending weekly updates as a reminder to check out the tips offered.