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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Week 1

We have come back from our Christmas break excited for the new term. The children have been keen to tell us all about their presents and family events over the holiday. 




In literacy we are reading the lovely story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.  The story is about a boy who finds a penguin on his doorstep one day and thinks he is lost and decides to help him return to his home. 

We have been looking at the characters and the problem in the story this week and thinking about how the characters are feeling at different points in the story. 



In maths we are matching numerals to their cardinal number value.  The children have been reading numerals and then placing the correct number of items with the numeral.  The children have also been writing the numbers on their whiteboards. 

Understanding of the World

In science this week we have been outside looking at the signs of winter in the school grounds.  We have been talking about what we can see, hear, smell and feel whilst outside and talking about the changes that have happened since we started school in September.  
