Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School
Believe. Aspire. Succeed.
Miss B Hicks is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDco),
Miss V Wise is our Pastoral Support Manager.
Miss N Williams- Learning Mentor
Mrs H Millner- SEND Learning Mentor
Telephone Number: 01526 342312
Miss B Hicks (SendCo) works every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in school, and Miss V Wise is in school every day.
Should you wish to meet with one of us, please contact the school office or speak with a member of the team, to arrange an appointment.
What does the SENDCo do?
Miss Hicks is responsible for anything relating to 'Special Educational Needs and Disabilities' (SEND) within the school. This ensures that any special educational needs are identified, and that the appropriate support is put in place. Other duties include:
General Information
At Coningsby St Michael’s we strive to provide a high quality education for pupils with SEND and to support all children to enabling them to achieve their full potential, feel valued and successful and become confident individuals living fulfilling lives.
Quality first teaching is vital; every teacher is a teacher of every child in their class, including those with SEND.
Each pupil is seen as having individual needs, and the school strives to ensure that everyone feels equally valued within the school community and has equal opportunities.
We acknowledge and value the role that parents/cares have in their child’s learning and aim to work in partnership with them, taking into account the voice of the child.
As a school we always seek to develop an inclusive curriculum by:
Having high expectations and ambitions for all children
Setting suitable learning challenges for all children
Responding to children’s diverse learning needs
Working with the child to ensure full access to all learning and assessment tasks for individuals and groups of children.
Identifying and removing barriers to learning
Working with LAAT, LEA and outside agencies to achieve the best outcome for the child.