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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Owls One/Two

Welcome to Owl class! 

We are a Year 1/2 Class.

Mrs Dobson is our class teacher on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Ward is our class teacher on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  


In term 6 we have outdoor PE on Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure children have their PE kit and suitable outdoor clothing as it can still get a bit cold, as well as trainers. 


This page will keep you up-to-date with all the exciting things we get up to in our year, so please keep visiting it regularly!


Term 6

This term our church school value is Truthfulness

Jacob and Esau - Stories of the Bible

Newsletters and homework grids

Key Instant Recall Facts - KIRFS

Term 5

This term our church school value is Forgiveness.

Jesus Forgives Peter

Peter denied Jesus 3 times, but he was forgiven because Jesus is merciful. This Bible story is based on text from Matthew 26:31-35, John 18:15-27, and John 21:15-17. This Bible story was made as part of The Miracle of Mercy series. Visit for full curriculum.

Term 4

This term our church school value is Thankfulness.


Jesus Feeds the 5,000

Animated Bible story for kids based on John 6:5-13.

Term 3

This term our church school value is Perseverance.



We will learn about Perseverance through questions such as:

Do small things help us reach our goal?

What is perseverance?

Why is it important to never give up?

Why do we need to work hard?

Is co-operation needed to meet a challenge?

Why is it important to persevere with a worthwhile task?

Is perseverance important in meeting our potential?

Who values our achievements?

How does perseverance help us deal with life’s problems?




The Lost Sheep

This story is based on Luke 15:1-7 and Matthew 18:12-14.

Term 2

Our Church School Value this term is...


We will be learning about compassion through asking questions such as:

How does God show compassion to Christians?

Do we treat everyone as our neighbour like Jesus did?

What difference does kindness make to people's lives?

Can people who have nothing show compassion?

Why is it important to show compassion to our elders?


We will also be exploring our bible story of the term: The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

Term 1

Our Church School Value this term is...



We will explore some big questions about friendship like:


How can we help our friends?

Why is it important to make our friends feel welcome?

What does loyalty mean?

Is kindness an quality important in our friendships?

Is it important to have lots of friends?

Should we let everyone join in our games?

What are the elements of friendship?

Our Bible Story of the term is Peter and Jesus
