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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Our class teachers are Mrs Pobjoy, Mrs Dumbleton, Mrs Pickering and Mrs Chiumento.


Please visit our page for regular updates about our learning. 




Term 6


Where can a dragon live?


This term our learning is all about dragons and castles.




In English we will be exploring stories about dragons. We will create our own dragon and write facts about them. We will work out how to trap a dragon and we will also create our own dragon adventure stories.




In Maths we will be learning about 3D and 2D shapes and their properties. We will also be exploring fractions, multiplication and division.




We will start our learning by recalling what we know about materials. We will then investigate which materials would be best for making a suit of armour, building a castle and creating a strong drawbridge. 



In RE we are exploring places of worship across different religions. We will look at synagogues, mandirs and temples.




We will be learning all about different castles and the features of castles. We will also look at job roles in a castle and the foods that were served at medieval banquets.

We will be finishing off our learning with a dragon, princess, knights, kings and queens day!




Church School Value



Our Church School Value is truthfulness. 


The Bible story of the term  is The

The armour of God – Ephesian 6:11-17. 

The Armor of God: Animated Bible Story - Ephesians 6 | Sunday School (

Download this lesson: 7 Days FREE Today: in the Top 100 Sunday School Lessons for Kids: ...

Year 1 Knights Day

Home learning: week beginning 12/07/21

Home learning resources wb: 12/07/21

Wednesday Maths Resources

Above are the sheets you need for today. They are in the document below.

Thursday English resources

We believe reading is extremely important. Children need to read all kinds of books.

Year 1 End of year expectations

September 2019 to August 2020

School is now partially reopened for children but we will continue to upload a home learning grid for those not attending below. We hope your children will enjoy these activities and they will help them continue their learning progress. If you have any questions about the tasks, class teachers can be contacted via Dojo. As teachers are in school, they may not reply straight away but will be in touch as soon as it is possible. 

Home Learning Year 1 Week Beginning 20.7.20

Year 1 Home Learning - Week beginning 13th July 2020

Year 1 Home Learning - W/C 6th July 2020

Year 1 home learning - W/C 29th June 2020

Year 1 Home Learning - Week beginning 22nd June 2020


Year 1 home learning WC 15th June 2020

Year 1 home learning W/C 8th June 2020

Year 1 Home Learning Week Beginning 1.6.20

Home learning week beginning 18th May 2020

Home Learning

Week beginning 11th May

Week beginning 4th May 2020

We have lots of activities and challenges for you to complete on our home learning grid below but here are a few extra activities you can take part in for VE Day, which is Friday 8th May! Have fun! 

How to make your own bunting:

Home Learning Week Beginning 4th May 2020

Home Learning Week Beginning 27th April 2020


This week we have lots of challenges for you and some extra bits from Mrs Hutchinson, Mr Saunders and the big red kitchen.


Mrs Hutchinson:

As a church school this term we are thinking about our church school value of forgiveness. We also love to sing. Please follow these Youtube links to sing some songs about forgiveness. (links below)


Mr Saunders: 

Our Outreach team has been working hard to give us some ideas to stay fit and active.
Here is their first challenge. Tview them, first of all you will need to scan the QR code using your camera on your device to see the instruction videos. Then film your attempts and then send them back using the other QR code on the right.
Let's stay active and safe!!!!

Seventy Times Seven (70 x 7) (Lyric Video) | Here for the Gold [Ktunez Praise]

Video preview for the song "Seventy Times Seven (70 x 7)" from the Ktunez Praise collection, "Here for the Gold." For more information visit http://brentwood...

You Forgive Me

Discipleland is the Children's Ministry of Disciple Community Church in Irvine, CA Discipleland는 디사이플교회의 어린이사역입니다 Song credit to Group Publi...

The Forgiveness Song (Forgive For Kids) Written, recorded and performed by Lee Mottram (c)2019

A happy, singable song about forgiveness and friendship in the playground. Written for my fantastic Y2s. Now available to every teacher and child in the worl...

Home learning 20th April 2020

Term 5


This term our topic is:


Can it snow in the summer?


This topic is all about weather.

We’ll be looking at what the weather is like in the UK in the four seasons. In geography we will explore extreme weather conditions. We’ll also be looking at carrying out some weather experiments in Science.

In RE we’re exploring Christian places of worship and why they’re important to Christians. 

Our focus text for English is The Rabbit Problem by Emily Gravett. Mrs Parker has recorded this for you and will post it on class dojo.

The church school value for this term is forgiveness.


Why is it important to forgive others?

Is it always easy to forgive?


The bible story of the term is the story of Joseph and his brothers. Genesis starting at chapter 37 it is a long story. Joseph is very forgiving in this story. Could you be as forgiving as Joseph? 

Weather activities 1P - Week 1 wind

Home learning 23rd March 2020

Horncastle News

Two of our fabulous Year One children made it into the Horncastle News this week with their thoughts and feelings about the Coronavirus! Super proud of them both.

Blossom by 1P

Beautiful Spring pictures from Mrs Parker’s class!

A host of Daffodils from Mrs Pobjoy’s class! Keep sending your pictures in!

This term we are looking at Emily Gravett's Meerkat Mail. We will explore what happens to the character, writing postcards, newspaper articles, diary entries and discussing how the character feels. We will also be researching and writing fact files about Meerkats.


In Science we are learning about animals. We will look at birds, mammals, fish, amphibians and reptiles exploring what is similar and different about each group.


Our Topic focus this term is Geography. We will be looking at the hot and cold parts of the world exploring the North and South Poles and the equator. Where would you prefer to go on holiday?


During RE this term we will be looking at Islam and how Muslims celebrate Eid and where muslims worship.


In Art we are exploring the illustrations created by Eric Carle and the techniques that he uses.





Our Church School Value is Thankfulness.


The Bible story of the term is: 

The Widow's offering - Mark 12: 41-44





These websites are really useful to support phonics at home:



