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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Spring Term 2 - Would you like to go on safari?

Term 4


In English we are exploring the book Where the wild things are. We will be writing non chronological reports, these will be both fiction and non fiction. We will also be writing instructions on how to grow a plant.


In maths, we will be continuing with multiplication and division for the first week and encouraging children to use TTRS. We will then move onto to measuring, we will be comparing lengths and heights as well as using objects to measure in centimeters and meters. We will also look at mass and capacity.  


Our science work this term is all about Plants! We will plant seeds and place them in different places to work out what they need to grow. We are also looking forward to completing a STEM task during British Science week. 


In Geography we will be naming the 7 continents and the 5 oceans of the world. We will explore Africa and will make a fact file on what it is like in Africa. 


RE this term continues our theme of thankfulness. We will explore the religion of Judaism. We will explore stories from the Torah and find out why Passover is important to Jewish people. 

Our Church school value this term is...





We will be exploring this through questions like:

Why should we be thankful?

Who should we say thank you to?

What happens when we forget to say thank you?

How can we show we are grateful?

Do we always say thank you for the little things people do for us?

How do we thank God for our world?

Why are we thankful for water?

Who do we need to be thankful for? Why are they important?

Our Bible story of the term is...

The Thankful Leper (Luke 17: 11-19)

This story is about the 10 men who were healed of leprosy and the one who came back to say thank you.
