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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Badgers Five

Year 5 - Badgers


Welcome to the Year 5 Badgers! In Year 5 we have a wide range of amazing classes where your children will continue to develop and advance their learning journeys. Our class teacher is Mr Griffin and our teaching assistants are Mrs Harvey and Mrs Milner.

Over this year, our learning is structured across a wide range of different subjects including: Art, Computing, Design Technology, French, Forest School, Geography, History, Music, PE, PSHE and Religious Education, all in which will help to build understanding, passion and development of our class. Alongside these subjects we are continuing on developing our Church school values.

Please have a look at this term's Curriculum Newsletter to see what we are learning this term!



Additionally, please check out our School Twitter/X pages which are updated regularly with photographs of our learning in action.

Curriculum Newsletter

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)

Our Learning Journey
