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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Woodpeckers (RSDP)

Summer Term 2

This half term we are very excited to be going to the seaside and visiting the Aquarium. We will be doing some exploring about what we might find in the build up to our visit. We are looking forward to sharing the books 'Tiddler', 'Billy's Bucket' and 'Rainbow Fish.'


Our church school value this term is:

Our Bible Story of the term is 'Jacob and Esau' (Genesis 25:27-34 and Genesis 27 and 28).

Jacob and Esau Video Link


Our Composer of the term is Brahms.

The Best of Brahms Video Link

Summer Term 2 Newsletter

Summer Term 1

Happy Easter.


We hope you have enjoyed a restful break. 

Please find below our weekly updates and newsletter. 


This half term our Church School Value is Forgiveness. We will be exploring the parable of the unforgiving servant – Matthew 18. 23-25.

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant - YouTube 


Our composer of the term is Andrew Lloyd-Weber. You can hear some of his music via this link: 

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Symphonic Suites (Full Performance) feat. The Phantom Of The Opera - YouTube 

This Term our Church School Value is Thankfulness. We will be exploring the Bible story from Luke 17 v11-19. In the story Jesus cleanses ten lepers and makes them well. We will also be exploring the Easter story and how thankful we are for Jesus. 


You can watch a version of the story here: The Thankful Leper (Luke 17: 11-19) - YouTube


Spring Term 1

Happy Christmas! We are ready and raring to go for 2023 with the lovely Woodpecker class. Please find below our newsletter and diary dates.

Every Friday beginning from the 13th January, parents are invited to come and read with their child from 2:50-3:10pm in school.
There will be a Stay and Play on the 10th February 2:30-3:10pm if you would like to come and share some learning time with your child.



Our Church School Value this half term is perseverance. We will be looking at the story of Noah and his perseverance building the Ark and following God's directions.

Autumn Term 2

Welcome Back!

We are very excited to welcome back the class after a refreshing half term break!



Our church school value this term is Compassion and we have been talking about how we can show other people compassion and kindness.

Here is our newsletter for this term which will give you an idea of the exciting things we will be doing this term in EYFS.

Autumn Term 1

Please find below information for Autumn Term 1

Who are you?

This term we are exploring and celebrating what makes us unique!

Our church school value this term is...

We will be talking about how important friendship isthmus term in class and thinking about:

  • Why are friends important?
  • What does it mean to belong to a community?
  • How can you be a good friend?
  • What should we do when we disagree with our friends?

Here is our EYFS Newsletter for the Autumn Term, it has lots of information about the exciting things we will be doing this term.  
