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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Week 4

In maths today we were using our knowledge of number bonds within ten, to help us with our number bonds within twenty.

We have started to build our vehicles, which will be able to travel around the world! We have carefully designed our own vehicle and chosen the materials we need.

In our English lesson we did some acting. We chose a character from the story of Hermelin and when Mrs Pobjoy said freeze we had to guess which character everyone was. Then, with a partner we matched the character to the thing they had lost.

In our computing lesson we had to work as a team to create a map for our bee bots. We then had a go at programming the bee bot.

In Maths we started addition to 20. We started by using a First, Then, Now grid. First I had 7 then I have 5 more now I have 12. We worked with partners
