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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Stemettes after school club term 4 KS2 girls

This week the Stemettes met Kaylie who is an Electrical Project Manager. Kaylie's role involves managing the electrical systems involved with offshore wind farms. She is responsible for working out how to get the electricity generated by the wind turbines into our homes so we can use it. The Stemettes really put their mathematical skills to the test by working out how much electricity a classroom uses, they then calculated this for all the classrooms, and how many turbines the school would need to operate on a daily basis!


This week the Stemettes met Georgea Cherrell who has worked for Orsted as a wind turbine technician since completing her apprenticeship two years ago. They learnt that some wind turbines, but not all wind turbines, can turn to face the wind to generate electricity all the time. Their activity was to look at which way the wind is blowing by making a weather vanes. 

This week The Stemettes met Anela who uses her engineering experience to design future wind farms. Anela and her team make sure the wind turbines will be safe and will be able to work properly once they are out at sea. The the girls used different coloured paper to make their own wind turbines. Then the girls were given 10 minutes to make a tower out of paper as big as possible. We took the tower outside to see how long it could stand for!

