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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.

Pastoral Support - The Burrow

What is the Burrow? 


The Burrow is a Pastoral place where the children can be supported by Ms Wise (Pastoral Manager) and Ms Williams (Pastoral learning mentor) 


The burrow is a welcoming environment where the children can go to have their weekly identified interventions like ELSA, Drawing and talking therapies, sensory circuits and for our service children to have their support with check in's when there loved ones are on deployment. 


The children are supported to have a reset and re focus time with the pastoral team away from the classroom environment, when they are struggling in the classroom, this allows the child to take part in a brain break activities, cosmic yoga or sensory calming time.

This also allows the child to have the time and space to share any worries and to be refocused back into learning when the child is ready for this to happen. 



We also welcome are parents here to our coffee afternoons and any parental meetings. 





Who do we support?

The needs of a child are individual but some of the common issues supported by our amazing Pastoral Team include:


  • Friendship issues

  • Low self-esteem

  • Low levels of resilience

  • Anxiety / worries

  • Problems managing anger

  • Attendance 

  • Developing social skills

  • Organisational skills

  • Illness and Bereavement

  • Divorce and Separation

  • Parent on Deployment


We can also help you and your child by signposting to other support agencies such as Young Carers, Family Support or RELATE.

The Worry Box


A Worry Box has been placed outside the door to the burrow. This is available to all children in school. this provides a forum through which the children are able to share their individual worries. The Pastoral Support team will then check the worry box regularly and will read the worries shared and find a suitable time to be able to discuss this with your child as soon as possible.

If the worry relates to a matter outside of school, then consent is sought to share that information with the child's parent/ caregiver.

Worry Box

Support Systems

Children are a part of and influenced by a number of 'systems' including the self, family, school, community and the wider world.  The 'barrier' to learning may lie within one or more of these systems and may present in school as a 'behavioural need' such as difficult, aggressive or challenging behaviour, or as an 'emotional need' such as low self-esteem, anxiety or signs of depression. The Pastoral team may contact the child's parent to discuss their individual needs and to agree a plan of action which is best to ensure that those needs are met.

This may include completing an Early Help Assessment or seeking consent to engage in a Team Around the Child (see our School Policy on Safeguarding for further information).
