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Coningsby St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Believe. Aspire. Succeed.


Welcome to 4Y page



My name is Miss Yarsley and I am excited to help you in your journey over the next few months.

I am always striving for the best and will make sure we feel proud of our work and what we can achieve. 

Our school value for this term is.... Truthfulness

Peter Lies I Stories of Jesus I Animated Children's Bible Stories| Holy Tales Bible Stories

Peter Lies is an animated children's Bible story where Peter denies his own master after Jesus was arrested by the guards.

Red Nose Day

World Book Day

Our school value for this term is Thankfullness

4.2.22- The children completed our collaborative piece of work linking to Chinese New Year.

Our Church School Value for term 3 is Compassion

Come and spot our compassion tree - We have lots of examples in our classroom of great compassionate role models spotted by peers and staff members!

The story of Saint Valentine

Animated history of Saint Valentine Subtitles

Happy Valentine's Day

Thank you everyone for providing gifts/foods for our reverse advent!

Science engineering afternoon!
